Accreditations and Notifications

What can management systems do for you?

Research shows that businesses that adopt and certify to best practice, as outlined in internationally-recognized standards, reap substantial benefits:

  • 75% experienced improved customer service
  • 77% boosted their performance
  • 74% acquired new customers and retained existing clients
  • 44% achieved cost savings

Harvard studies underscore these findings and identified ISO 9001 adopters, for example, having faster sales growth, increased employment and fewer workplace injuries.


Why do organizations obtain management system certification?

Every business has three basic challenges that threaten their success: 

  • Comply with customer requirements and government regulations and standards
  • Protect the organization through embedding quality and instituting best practices
  • Grow the organization, extending the customer reach and satisfaction, thereby increasing revenue 

Management systems allow organizations to meet these challenges by instilling best practices and validating, through certification, that they are properly established in the company


Being able to trust the quality of services and products becomes more important in daily life. Accreditation and notification ensure that this trust is justified, as they see to it that ICS-CERT executes its activities the proper way. 

Besides accreditations and notifications, ICS-CERT is also recognized as Approval Body, Accepted Laboratory and for Accredited Training.