2009/48/EC - Toys Safety Dırectıve has two main objectives: first, to ensure that toys used by children are safe and, secondly, to guarantee the smooth functioning of the internal market for toys.
The official title of the directive is: Directive 2009/48/EC of the European Parliament and of The Council of 18 June 2009 on the safety of toys.
This directive was published on 18th June 2009 and it came into force on 20th July 2009. The European Union Member States had until 29th June 2008 to adopt and publish the national laws and regulations transposing the provisions of the new Directive into national law.
This Directive applies to products designed or intended, whether or not exclusively, for use in play by children under 14 years of age (referred to as “toys”). To establish whether a product falls under the scope of the Directive, the following criteria have been provided:
Any product or material designed or intended, whether or not exclusively, for use in play by children under 14 years of age.
The words “whether or not exclusively” indicate that the product does not have to be exclusively intended for playing purposes for it to be considered as a toy, but it can have other functions as well. For example, a key ring with a teddy bear attached to it is considered a toy or a sleeping bag in the shape of a soft-filled toy.