92/91/EEC - Mineral Drilling Industries

92/91/EEC - Mineral Drilling Industries, directive lays down the minimum requirements for improving the safety and health protection of workers in the mineral-extracting industries through drilling i.e. extraction of minerals (onshore and offshore), preparation of extracted materials for sale, etc.


The terms mineral-extracting industries through drilling and workplace are defined.


To safeguard the safety and health of workers, the employer shall take the necessary measures to ensure that:

• workplaces are designed, constructed, equipped, commissioned, operated and maintained so that workers can perform their work without endangering their health and safety and those of others;
• work takes place under the supervision of a person in charge;
• work involving a special risk is undertaken only by competent staff and carried out according to employers’ instructions;
• safety instructions are comprehensible to all workers;
• appropriate first-aid facilities are provided;
• relevant safety drills are performed regularly.


Employers must draw up and keep up to date a safety and health document demonstrating
• that risks to workers’ health and safety in the workplace have been determined and assessed;
• adequate measures will be taken to meet the requirements of this Directive;
• that the design, use and maintenance of the workplace and equipment are safe.


Where workers from more than one employer are present in the same workplace, the employer who is in charge of the workplace must coordinate the implementation of health and safety measures. Nevertheless, each employer is responsible for all matters under his control. Any serious or fatal occupational accidents, and situations of serious danger must be reported by the employer to the competent authorities.

Employers must take precautions to avoid, detect and combat the starting and spreading of fires and explosions and prevent the occurrence of explosive or health-endangering atmospheres. Employers must provide and maintain appropriate means of escape and rescue to ensure that workers can leave workplaces promptly and safely in the event of danger. Necessary warning and communication systems to enable assistance, escape and rescue should be provided.


Appropriate health surveillance must be introduced in accordance with national law. Each worker must be entitled to health surveillance prior to and following their duties.

The minimum health and safety requirements specified in the annex of this Directive must be satisfied by existing and new workplaces. When workplaces undergo changes, the employer must take the necessary measures to ensure those changes correspond to the minimum requirements laid down in the Annex of this Directive.

Member States must bring into force laws, regulations and administrative provisions to comply with this Directive. Member States must report to the Commission every five years following the implementation of this Directive.

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